Snowshoe Courses
SnowshoeThere are three courses but recently only the Squirrel course is usually marked out with numbered sign posts so you can easily find your way around the course. You should allow 2 hours for each course. The courses are unguided and free to access. You can print out our maps for reference. It is also a good idea to have a smart phone with navigation (google maps) just incase you lose your way.
You can hire snowshoes from the following rental shops.
Aoyama (Akakura & Shin Akakura) 1 Day rental at 2,500yen 10sets available
Dancing Snow (Shin Akakura) 1 Day rental with poles at 3,000yen 15 sets available.
High quality Tubbs snowshoes.
Visitor Center near Imori Pond (Ikenotaira) 1 Day rental 1,500yen 15 sets available.
Squirrel Course - Marked
The squirrel course takes you through woodland areas and then into an open snowfield area. If you only want to take a short tour then there is a short cut that cuts the course in half. This course is mostly flat and suitable for people of all level.
Squirrel Course PDF

Fox Course - Not Marked
The fox course takes you through some beautiful dense woodland areas. At the bottom of the course you loop round the fox pond before heading back up. The pond doesnt freeze so be careful not to walk on it. There are some uphill areas which makes this course a little tougher than the squirrel course.
Fox Course PDFRabbit Course - Not Marked
The rabbit course is the longest course and takes you up the ridge of Mt Myoko. There is an optional loop at the top of the course that you can take to get some great views of the surrounding mountains and area.
Rabbit Course PDF